One more change of trains in Fredericia, from the two car tram-looking thing into another of similar construction. What I found a bit ironic on both of these final small trains was the strict no smoking policy within the cars. At each stop, which lasted only a few moments, people would step off the train and puff away. What makes that ironic is that both of these trains were leaking diesel emissions into the cars, at least where I was seated. The secondhand smoke was likely much less damaging to the lungs that were the diesel fumes.
Well, it didn’t kill me, and I made it to Esbjerg. I was a day early, well 14 hours, which was just fine with me. I had kind of planned it that way. I made it to a hotel just about four blocks from the station; this time I walked and dragged my baggage. Checked into the hotel and relaxed some. I used the hotel’s courtesy computer to send an email to the people at the handelsskole who would be my host s for the next two months telling them that I would meet them at the train station tomorrow morning around 11am. That would give me time to sleep in some, get something to eat and even look around a bit.
Once I settled into the room, I took a walk. The hotel where I stayed was only a few blocks from the city centre, so I headed in that direction. It was late afternoon, approaching early dinner time, and though I was not overly hungry I thought if I found a place that looked promising I would go ahead and eat. Well, I walked around the city centre for quite a while and did come across a place that looked interesting. The signs out front claimed the place had the best burgers in Denmark; though the signs were in Danish it was close enough to German that I could decode it and understand that I might be in for a treat. So I gave it a try, and they were not kidding. I do not know about the best burger in Denmark, as I had to this point tried no other Danish burgers, but this one was really good. Now full on Danish burger and fries I walked about the centre a while longer before heading back to the hotel and settling in for the evening. My room was small, smaller than my office at NSU. But that was fine with me; it had a bed.
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