Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pamela Louderback, Day 25

Hard to believe the day has gone by so quickly and I don't seem to have much to share.  I had to vacate my apartment quite early (for me at least since I've been in Belfast making my own schedule) by 9:00 a.m. so the Promax guys could once again, test my water for signes of Legionnella bacteria.  (i.e. Gram negative bacterium, including species that cause legionellosis or Legionnaires' disease)  It's only been a couple of weeks since they were here last -- I'm beginning to wonder if I should begin asking questions...

Anyway, I spent a good two hours finishing up a book of Irish (the language) and on my way to the library, I stopped by the School of Law office to pop in on Margaret - the office manageer extraordinaire who is undoubtedly the most knowledgeable and friendly person on this whole island!  She lent me one of the Law School's digital recorder - (I had mentioned that I was going to interview someone at St. Mary's University College on Wednesday and had not, as of yet, been successful in securing a tape recorder at any of the shops in the area).  Unfortunately, we couldn't get the machine to turn on - thinking this was due to a pair of dead batteries, I set off in search of fresh AAA batteries.  Since I had not been successful in securing my package yesterday from the States, I figured I'd go to the Post Office across from QUB, which was on the way to the Student Union shop.  I purchased the AAA batteries (which, by the way didn't make a bit of difference toward the digital recorder working) and popped into the post office hoping my package would be there.  After about 10 minutes and several phone calls, the postal worker determined it was, in fact, at the other post office a good 15 minute's walk the other way.  So, as seems customary, I got plenty of exercise today!  (At least it wasn't on an extremely FULL stomache. - see Sunday's posting for context)

For the rest of the afternoon, I spent a great deal of time poring over the accompanying guide for the digital recorder - but, alas, to no avail... I finally gave up after about 1 1/2 hours.  (oh well, I'll bring a pad and pencil with me tomorrow - do it "old school"). 

Well, I got the excellent news that my daughter, Kateri, had passed her driver's test and is now driving my Toyota around Tulsa.  Congratulations to her on another milestone - Yet, it's sort of bittersweet to me in that I'm not there in person to properly 'jump up and down and scream uproariously' (is that a proper word) and then -- I have a  "What ever possessed me to be away from my family for so long!" moment after I congratulate my daughter and her text response is, "is that it?".  Words just sometimes lose their meaning and "oomph" when typed on a computer screen and not yelled at the top of one's lungs (in tandem with gyrating motions of body parts).   

As well, today was another defining moment in the Louderback household for another member of the family - my husband (the only remaining 'human member' -- regarding the transition of the zoo from public to private.  The tentative timeline is as follows:

*Nov. 18 - interviews begin (Yes, he has to interview for his job)
*week of Nov. 29 - employment offer letters will be given to employees along with benefits info (He assures me he'll likely get one of these..)
*Dec. 10 - responses due from employees to any employment offers made (Let's hope it's fair and he receives one)
*Dec. 16 - City employees must notify City payroll of our intent (or not) to convert investment accounts.
*Dec. 31 - last day with City
*Jan. 1  - beginning of a new future

Notably, my husband will be in Ireland when some of this is all happening.  Makes for an interesting holiday, to say the least... 

Well, I'm off to put together some brilliantly crafted questions for tomorrow's interview at St. Mary's University College.   Sure wish I'd remembered to bring my tape recorder! 

1 comment:

  1. Good news about Paul's job situation. Let's hope for the best! Thanks for the warning about Kat being on the roads!
